Day Twelve
Called to Live a Holy Life2 Timothy 1:9 As I get older, I’m finding that I want to play less. I mean the silly stuff. I don’t have time for much of the shenanigans spiraling around out there. Specifically, I find myself wanting to slow down and think about stuff. I’m getting tired of things…
Day Eleven
Made Holy by the BloodEphesians 1:3-8 Several years ago, I was given an amazing opportunity to paint for the Lord. I was super overwhelmed by the opportunity and couldn’t figure out, “why me?” in a good way. I was alone, working in a very hot and dusty garage, tears streaming down my face overwhelmed by…
Day Ten
VictoriousRomans 8:37 God did what the law could not. By allowing the sacrifice of His Son for my sins, God declared an end to sins control over me. Letting the Spirit control my mind leads to life and peace. It is part of my inheritance in Christ. Yet I suffer now. I have tools and…
Day Seven
Set FREEJohn 8:12, 31-32 I never want to take scripture out of context. God has severe punishment awaiting those who do, so it’s important to understand the backstory on this passage. Jesus is teaching in Judah at this time. He was surrounded by followers and the curious. Also, in the crowd were pharisees and hecklers.…
Day Six
Led by the Spirit of GodRomans 8:14 TLV This is one of my favorite passages of Scripture! I read it over my daughter often. v12: So then, brothers and sisters, we do not owe anything to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if I live according to the flesh, I must die.…
Day Three
Saved by Grace through FaithEphesians 2:8 NLT God saved me by His grace when I believed in Him. I can’t take credit for that; it’s a gift. My salvation isn’t be a reward for all the good things I’ve done. If that were true, I certainly wouldn’t need Him. I would be able to relax…
Day One
I am a Child of GodRomans 8:12-17 TLV Abandonment and rejection by others can make living in this world feel impossible. When you consider that we are wired for connection, it makes sense that when we aren’t living in community or are walking the part of the outcast, we begin to die on the inside.…