Day Three

Saved by Grace through Faith
Ephesians 2:8 NLT

God saved me by His grace when I believed in Him. I can’t take credit for that; it’s a gift. My salvation isn’t be a reward for all the good things I’ve done. If that were true, I certainly wouldn’t need Him. I would be able to relax peacefully in my self-made bliss. But I can’t, can I? I’ve done all the things, ranted and raved, fought or ran away, lied, cheated; taken things that didn’t belong to me; used people, places and things to pacify my depravity. Left to my own devices I become distraught, controlling and tyrannical. Certainly not fruits anyone has enjoyed.  

Maybe you can relate in some small way? I know I can’t be the only one. Maybe, like me, you’ve come to the end of yourself and can’t find your way back. I’ve oftentimes found myself hanging from a thread, only to realize that it was part of His garment. More times than I can count I’ve been reduced to a blubbering, sobbing mess in a corner somewhere, my spirit and will, broken. Many times, at the hands of others, but more times than not, as a result of my own best thinking. 

I’ve heard that grace is an undeserve gift, and it certainly is, but grace from the King is so much more. Grace in the Greek language is the word, Charis. Do you see the word charity? (Think begger with empty hands extended to receive.) When I come to Jesus, He expects me to come with empty hands, not carrying an abundance of works and deeds I’ve performed. I’m expected to have tried everything in my power and come to the end of what I can do, realizing that I have nothing to offer the King of the universe. To me, the word charis is proof of that.

I like to think of this verse this way: God, in His goodness and mercy saved me. He acted in love and through His charity granted me eternal favor and sonship (daughter-ship) I am His, because He says so. I am precious and loved because it is His will, and He will never leave me because it brings Him good pleasure to protect and care for me.

None of this depends on me. Just like His covenant with Abraham, it was His idea, and He will be faithful when I am not. My only job is to come to Him with empty and open hands. Today let me remember that true faith in Christ is believing that coming to Him with empty hands is not only enough but required.

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