John 8:12, 31-32
I never want to take scripture out of context. God has severe punishment awaiting those who do, so it’s important to understand the backstory on this passage. Jesus is teaching in Judah at this time. He was surrounded by followers and the curious. Also, in the crowd were pharisees and hecklers. His purpose was to teach and encourage. Their purpose was to discredit and disprove.
I picture myself sitting among the crowd, leaning in with all my heart desiring to find rest, peace and contentment in the words of this new Rabbi. I just want a quiet moment in my thoughts to regroup and be affirmed. As I do, I am not disappointed but confused. Much like the culture of today, I’m faced with a choice. Do I adopt and believe His Words, as incredibly out of touch with reality as they sound? The ones that encourage me that if I do, I will no longer walk in darkness, but be raised up to a place of fulfillment and peace? Will I be genuinely joined to the light of life or are these words being spoken by the very son of the devil? Will I finally find the desire of my heart; the rest my soul yearns for, or am I exposing myself to heresy? In a culture of condemnation and fear, I have every right to be cautious.
The battle of words rages back and forth, and I admit that I understand maybe half of their references. I am certain that the teachers are beyond angry and seem very convincing, especially to my untrained ear, but my gut tells me there’s much more to it. I sense fear in them. I don’t understand why, but they are very afraid.
When the Rabbi speaks, I am at peace. Content in my spirit. Not because His words are smooth and easy to hear, but because He is at peace. His calm demeanor soothes me. and I am satisfied, understanding that His words are true. I want what He has, the firm confidence that I am approved, wanted, Loved unconditionally and cherished.
Then Jesus said to me “Daughter, because you trusted Me and have chosen to abide in My Word, now you are truly My disciple. You know, and the truth you continue to discover will continue to set you FREE! Now that you know for certain, make every effort to remain, focusing on Me. Don’t be as Peter. While the waves can be frightening and terrible, I am your refuge and ever-present help when fear threatens to overtake you. I am always with you. Never do you need fear for anything, just reach out to Me and see that I can be trusted.
Today, Focus on what I have already done for you. Concentrate. Remember how I have delivered and brought you through the fires of old. Trauma is nothing to me. Your healing will come as you soak in My Love for you. Filled to overflowing you have the ability and responsibility to heal those around you. But never out of the principle, only ever out of the overflow of My Love. Protect it at all costs. The principle is only for you, my darling child. It is to remain intact for you to feast on in plenty or times of lack. Train others to do the same. To abide in my Love so that, they too will have an abundance of My Love to draw from.