Day Four

Part of God’s family
Ephesians 2:19 TLV

Keep in mind, Gentiles (which I am) were called “uncircumcision” and considered, at that time, separate, excluded and having no hope. But now I, who once was far off, have been purchased and redeemed. For He is my shalom (perfect peace, nothing missing, nothing broken). Because of Him I have access to the Father by the same Ruach (spirit).

So, then I am no longer a stranger or foreigner, but I am a fellow citizen with God’s people and a member of God’s household. I am a member of His family. A Daughter/Son of the King. I have been built on the foundation made up of the emissaries and prophets, with Jesus Himself being the cornerstone. In Him my whole person is being fitted together, growing into a holy temple for the Lord. In Him, I am being built together into God’s dwelling place in the Spirit.

What does all this mean? It means that even when I feel like I have been abandoned or betrayed by family and friends, I am not alone. I am still, and will always be, an important and viable part of God’s Family. I have a Father, that will never leave me. He is always with me, always and forever. No matter what.

Today, or any time I feel lost or have been rejected, I will think on these things. Things that are lovely and of good report. Promises that are being kept by a loving and all-powerful perfect Father.

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