I am not
who I once was.
I am not who I once was, and for good reason. I’ve done things I am not proud of. Having been seasoned and forged through the fires of adversity and nearly swallowed up, I live to tell the tale. Despite it all, and maybe because of it, I’ve been redeemed.
Resurrected and restored displaying ever brighter shades of His glory.
This is why I do what I do. My mission is to free the souls of the men and women still trapped in the bondage of self.

elisabeth joy
elisabethjoy ART
EJ was a graphic and web designer for over 20 years, responsible for the design and production of books, magazines, and corporate publications for major companies.
A student at Chautauqua Institute in New York, she also painted with oils under the tutelage of the late Kate Bostley and sat at the feet of watercolor artist Jean Grastorf.
EJ now paints prophetically under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. She was a resident artist at the Upper Room Dallas for several years, where she paints during worship events. Her paintings may be found in the lobby gallery in Dallas, Texas as well as online.
EJ teaches Prophetic Art at South Arlington Christian Co-op in Arlington to middle and high school home school students.
She has served with Modern Day Missions as a local field worker opening new doors of opportunity to share the gospel and God’s love through her art. She lives in the DFW Metroplex with her family.
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