Romans 8:37
God did what the law could not. By allowing the sacrifice of His Son for my sins, God declared an end to sins control over me. Letting the Spirit control my mind leads to life and peace. It is part of my inheritance in Christ.
Yet I suffer now. I have tools and gifts that have and can set me free, but I struggle in the day-to-day. Condemnation is a horrible task master. It sets an ever-changing goal before me that, once I cross it, an additional task is set by perfectionism itself, never allowing me to complete anything. I never feel good enough or worthy enough to be His daughter or competent enough to serve Him.
My struggle isn’t against flesh and blood, but it is. Not someone else’s, but my own. My mind, ever stayed on the prize, is the only release from this torment and fear. For my sinful nature is always hostile to God, always has been, always will be. In wrestling my flesh to the ground and submitting it to the leadership of Christ Jesus I am able to conquer all things. If I do my part, He is faithful to do His, but if I insist on doing His, He will need to humble me. Submitting my flesh, to Him I come under His rule and the demons that torment me will flee. Much like Legion, they will beg to be removed from His grasp, freeing me to serve my chosen Master.
Victory is mine In Jesus. Abiding in Him, I am safe and cared for. Today, let me remember Whose beloved daughter I am. Who created me and Who’s promises are sure and true. Who isn’t a man that He should lie. Let me focus my energy and attention on the only one Who truly Loves me without condition or pretense.