My Process
Any good pastor will prepare their hearts and the sermon they plan to preach well before they deliver it. They will most likely organize their thoughts and print out notes to remind themselves of what the Lord is saying. They might find pictures to better illustrate key points, all in the hope of clearly communicating His heart.
My process has been, and continues to be, one of self-discovery. It is like none other. This may sound lofty, but it’s really not meant to be. My process, just like my fingerprint, is not like anyone else’s. It’s unique to me, just like your process will be unique to you, and this is how it should be. God is the creator and the author of creativity. Creativity isn’t modeled by cookie-cutter anything. It is a process of making something out of nothing. God is producing life, calling chaos into order where there was no order, no inspiration, no pattern, no nothing.
But while God is creative, He is far from random, in that He doesn’t just stick arms where legs should be unless there’s a reason. He doesn’t just throw things in a pot and wait to see what happens. He is the God of the Good Orderly Direction. He is a God of the planned and a God of His Word.
So, my process begins by deciding to make room for Him in the clutter of my mind, my packed schedule, and my fear-ridden heart. I begin with worshiping to clear away the cobwebs and the lies that built up from the hours of living on earth. The victory begins by choosing to believe that He loves me and wants to talk to me. Yes, every time; even after having done this for a while, I still battle to find the truth in those deep dark corners. It’s just how it is, at least for now. Maybe at some point, He’ll zap me fully whole and healed completely, but as it stands, I still battle to hear His truth.