Get up! Cry out in the night!
“Get up! Cry out in the night, at the beginning of every watch!” In reading Lamentations 2, I crashed into verse 19. My heart was wrecked as I could see the Lord’s hand in the unthinkable acts of October 7th. Amidst the horror and grief outlined in this chapter, I found a command for the…
Day Twenty-Seven
More than a ConquerorRomans 8:37 As I sit here my heart is being ripped from my chest and I find I have to remind myself to breathe. A friend just shared a photograph of an absolutely beautiful young family. Each one of them beaming with contentment and happiness, joy should be the caption underneath. Written…
Day Seventeen
The Apple of His EyePsalm 17:8 TLV As Americans we like nice pretty stories with happy endings and everyone making nice. In studying the Bible from a Jewish perspective, the last several years, I’ve learned that they are a very direct people. Maybe they come to realize that they don’t have time for fluff because…
Day Sixteen
Christ’s MasterpieceEphesians 2:10 AMP I like maps. Road trips, too. I don’t so much like the packing and prep work. Really the only part I like is planning out the route I’ll take. Before smart phones and GPS, I would grab an honest-to-goodness paper map and plot my course. I would consider alternate roadways in…
Day Fifteen
Christ’s Ambassador2 Corinthians 5:20 AMP Ambassador, Diplomat, Representative, Envoy. If, as an Emissary, I am to represent the country or government that sent me. Should I voice my own opinions or interpret the facts? Am I not to be a clear voice of the one who sent me? Am I wrong, then, to manipulate to…
Day Fourteen
Chosen1 Thessalonians 1:4 AMP Brothers and sisters beloved by God, we know that He has chosen you; for our good news [regarding salvation] came to you not only in word, but also in [its inherent] power and in the Holy Spirit and with great conviction [on our part]. Pretty much every Christian today has at least…
Day Thirteen
Prize PossessionJames 1:18 The concept of First Fruits can be compared to showing off. When growing a garden, the first blooms are, many times, the best. God, in His instructions about the tithe, commands me to give of my First Fruits. The first-born is often the pride and joy of their Father. In the same…
Day Twelve
Called to Live a Holy Life2 Timothy 1:9 As I get older, I’m finding that I want to play less. I mean the silly stuff. I don’t have time for much of the shenanigans spiraling around out there. Specifically, I find myself wanting to slow down and think about stuff. I’m getting tired of things…
Day Eleven
Made Holy by the BloodEphesians 1:3-8 Several years ago, I was given an amazing opportunity to paint for the Lord. I was super overwhelmed by the opportunity and couldn’t figure out, “why me?” in a good way. I was alone, working in a very hot and dusty garage, tears streaming down my face overwhelmed by…
Day Ten
VictoriousRomans 8:37 God did what the law could not. By allowing the sacrifice of His Son for my sins, God declared an end to sins control over me. Letting the Spirit control my mind leads to life and peace. It is part of my inheritance in Christ. Yet I suffer now. I have tools and…